MY_PATH := $(call my-dir)/librfid-0.2.0
LOCAL_PATH := $(MY_PATH)/src/ \
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# path for Header files
#C files added from the src/ path
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := usleep.c rfid.c rfid_scan.c rfid_reader.c rfid_reader_spidev.c rfid_reader_rc632_common.c \
rfid_reader_openpcd.c rfid_reader_cm5121.c rfid_reader_cm5121_openct.c rfid_protocol.c \
rfid_proto_tcl.c rfid_proto_tagit.c rfid_proto_mifare_ul.c rfid_proto_mifare_classic.c rfid_proto_icode.c \
rfid_layer2.c rfid_layer2_iso15693.c rfid_layer2_iso14443b.c rfid_layer2_iso14443a.c rfid_iso14443_common.c \
rfid_asic_rc632.c rfid_access_mifare_classic.c libusb_dyn.c
#C files added from utils
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := utils/common.c utils/librfid-tool.c utils/mifare-tool.c utils/send_script.c
#C files added from the src/ccid path
#here we are not using the file rfid_reader_cm5121_ccid_direct.c because it is used by rfid_reader_cm5121.c as
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ccid-driver.c
#Module path of the library
LOCAL_MODULE := test_rfid_integration_RfidLib