Twitter BootStrap Samples

Bootstrap is a CSS Framework developed by Twitter. It is an Open Source So everybody can use it . We can build very Cool and awesome  websites from this CSS styles. It contains buttons, Forms, Text Boxes and Tables as well.
The main advantage is we can build this using a simple text editor. Because we are just importing the Styles which are in Twitter Bootstrap.

First Of All we have to download Bootstrap from , the link. It Contain CSS ,IMG and JS Zipped file. Extract and copy the Files in a directory where you want to create your website.
Create an index HTML Page in your website directory where you copied the Bootstrap files.

Path definition :
We have to define the  bootstrap files paths that we want to use in our web page. like bellow,

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href= "css/bootstrap.css" />
<script src="js/bootstrap.js"> </script>

Sample Form Creation :
First we will look are creating the Form for username and password. So for that we are using the class name as “well” which is in bootstrap css.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href= "css/bootstrap.css" />

<form class="well form-search">

    <input type="text" class="span3 search-query" placeholder="Search..."/>
    <button class="btn">Search</button>

<form class="well span6">
       <input type="text"class="span3" placeholder="Enter username ..."/></br>
       <input type="text"class="span3" placeholder="Enter password ..."/></br>
       <button class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
       <button class="btn">Clear</button>
<script src="js/bootstrap.js"> </script>

After this Form creation if you get wow feeling please hit a comment.

Creating Tables:

sample file

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href= "css/bootstrap.css" />
<table class="table table-striped">
<script src="js/bootstrap.js"> </script>

Graphite : Real Time Graphing Installation

Installed packages has been updated.
sudo apt-get update

Supported libraries has been installed using below command,Also this will installe the django as well
sudo apt-get install --assume-yes apache2 apache2-mpm-worker apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 python3.2 libpython3.2 python3.2-minimal libapache2-mod-wsgi libaprutil1-ldap memcached python-cairo-dev python-django python-ldap python-memcache python-pysqlite2 sqlite3 erlang-os-mon erlang-snmp rabbitmq-server bzr expect ssh libapache2-mod-python python-setuptools

The applications has been downloaded,

 To install whisper
 cd ~/whisper  
 sudo python install  

 To install Carbon
 cd ~/carbon  
 sudo python install  

 To configure Carbon  
 cd /opt/graphite/conf  
 sudo cp carbon.conf.example carbon.conf  
 sudo cp storage-schemas.conf.example storage-schemas.conf  

 To set duration of the Graphite
 sudo gedit storage-schemas.conf  
 Edit the data with below test,  
 priority = 110  
 pattern = .*  
 retentions = 10:2160,60:10080,600:262974  
 Graphite has been installed after check the dependencies , 
 If you it give an error with dependencies then fix and 
 go forward .sudo python  
 sudo python install  

 Apache server has been configured for graphite,  
 cd ~/graphite/examples  
 sudo cp example-graphite-vhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/default  
 sudo cp /opt/graphite/conf/graphite.wsgi.example /opt/graphite/conf/graphite.wsgi  
 sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/default  
 sudo mkdir /etc/httpd  
 sudo mkdir /etc/httpd/wsgi  
 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload  

 Initial database has been created for graphite,  
 cd /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/  
 sudo python syncdb  

 Here give the user name and password for you database  
 sudo chown -R nobody:nobody /opt/graphite/storage/  
 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart  

 cd /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite  
 sudo cp  

 Start the Carbon  
 cd /opt/graphite/  
 sudo ./bin/ start  

 Send the data to the Graphite  
 cd ~/graphite/examples  
 sudo chmod +x  
 sudo ./  

 Go to web browser and launched localhost .  