Is it possible to get HTML of an iframe - CAN'T

You are trying to access content of iframe which points to webpage from another domain. You cannot access content of iframe if the src of that iframe is not pointing to the domain on which your current parent page is. This is called cross domain policy

You will have to use server side language that will grab the html of given url and return it to your index page to display in any div or whatever.

Let me give you an example to explain why javascript cannot have cross domain access.
  • Suppose i have FB like box on my website inside an iframe
  • now whenever any user comes on my website i will trigger a click to the like box which is inside the iframe of like box.
  • This way my FB page will have lakhs of likes.
  • But because of cross domain policy this cannot be done.

Deployment of Apache Tomcat 7 in Amazon server

 Before Installation Check your java Jdk installed or not.  
 Step 1:  
 Download the Apache tomcat 7 from the bellow link,  
 md5sum apache-tomcat-[#].tar.gz  
 Next, extract the package:  
 tar xvzf apache-tomcat-[#].tar.gz  
 And move the extracted folder into a dedicated directory:  
 sudo mv apache-tomcat-[#] /usr/local/apache  
 Step3: Set the path   
 vi ~/.bashrc  
 export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/apache  
 Log out and log back into bash to have your changes take effect.  
 Step4: Start tomcat  
 sudo /usr/local/apache/bin/  
 Step 5 : Check  
 Go to web browser and type ,  

How to remove sudo password :

For the administrative password using sudo and sparing any lectures on why one would not want this...
Edit the sudoers file:  sudo visudo

Find this line:%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL

Change the line:%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Save and Exit. Voila! (Dont' shoot yourself in the foot, now. ;) By the way, you can become root and just type the password once.sudo su -  Now you ARE the root user, seeing no more password prompts. When you see guides referring to commands such as sudo some_command, just remove the "sudo" portion. In this way, you can choose to leave the security intact yet bypass it as you see fit.

If you are writing about your user account:

Open System Settings. Click on the User Accounts tile. Click the Unlock button and enter your password. Set the auto-login slider to the "on" position by dragging it to the right. Then click "Lock" to apply your changes.

Install Oracle java using terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer