Php include and require

we are using include and require for add or call other php classes and function in to another file .Something like extending.Therefore we can reuse the previous codes to our new file or function.
Say in java we are using import to get a jar file for extensions similarly we are using include in php.

Include –> This will produce only warnings if we have an error and script will continue (E_COMPILE_ERROR)

<?php include 'Needed.php'; ?>
<h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>
<p>Some text.</p>


Require –> This will produce fatal error then it will stop the script (E_WARNING)

<?php require 'Needed.php'; ?>
<h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>
<p>Some text.</p>


If you want the execution to go on and show users the output, even if the include file is missing, use include. Otherwise, in case of Framework, CMS or a complex PHP application coding, always use require to include a key file to the flow of execution. This will help avoid compromising your application's security and integrity, just in-case one key file is accidentally missing.

Including files saves a lot of work. This means that you can create a standard header, footer, or menu file for all your web pages. Then, when the header needs to be updated, you can only update the header include file.

Tab Indexing for Accessibility

No more mouse moves .The tab index is used to define the content  flow when we traverse the webpage through tab default the tab index order according to the source order.but some time’s we need to change the order of the tab flow. For that we are using tab indexing.

we are adding a tag like tabindex attribute.It can start at 0 and increment to any value.simply 1,2,3,4,5…. but the Recommended way is to use the tabindex like bellow 10,20,30,40…. because sometimes you may use to add any links or button to your page So you need some unwritten indexes for that .Simply you can inject other controls.And main advantage is we don’t need to re index if we use above technic.

If a tabindex of "-1" is used, the element it’s applied to will no longer be keyboard focusable.Therefore if you want your webpage contain web accessibility then try to avoid marking tab index as –1. by default the tabindex will start from the lowest value incase where ever you placed the code.It will increment until it reach the maximum.

Also tab index only support for specific elements like bellow,

  • a <a/>
  • area <area />
  • button <button tabindex="value" name="" value="" id="" />
  • input <input tabindex="value" name="" value="" id="" />
  • object <object tabindex="value" name="" value="" id="" />
  • select <select tabindex="value" name="" value="" id="" ></select>
  • textarea <textarea tabindex="value" cols="" rows=""></textarea>

Php Repository and Code Editor

Smart Git

We are using smart Git repository based application to Store and review code Based on Version Control.Also it use to switch between multiple repositories .This is the best practice for team based projects

Here we have many function like

-> Stage

Smart Git – Pull

it’s use to get the files from server to your local machine.If you want to commit

Smart Git – Commit Button (“Commit is only save the changes on your local machine”)

if you want to fix a bug then you have to commit a file through smart Git.When you click on commit then it will ask what that you want to commit description.Also Before performing a commit, you often want to review your or others  changes in order to catch any errors.

Smart Git offers several ways of doing this:

Review mode – Screen switcher  :

  • This mode allow you to review the code changes in each file one by one .
  • compare window used to compare current and past code changes based on commitments.
  • Index editor is basically a combination of two difference.A difference between repository and the Git index 
  • Also if we find any error on our last commit then we can recommit from our last index to restore.
  • ADD is use to do further changes by selecting commit .

Smart Git – Push

After finishing the Changes if you want to upload the files to server you can access that through Push button.

Smart Git – Log

Inspecting the History :

Clicking by the Log button on the main dock we can view the history of our or others  past and present changes on specific file .

Zend Development Environment

This is a Php Editor use to Debug Php code and compare files through version Control.Which has debug,code review option like visual studio.

Conclusion :

Smart Git and Zend both application are integrated with each other therefore we can do version control through smart and editing through Zend. 

Web Accessibility Patching

Heading are inaccessible in keyboards

In Web Accessibility Heading are not interacting elements with keyboards navigation Because, Heading element can’t be identify by keyboard clicks.But the purpose of the heading is to maintain the structure of the total page.And as usual Html links,Form fields and forms button can recognized by keyboard.Therefore we have to make the heading element as anchor element.

Advantage of using anchor elements,

  • An unvisited link is underlined and blue
  • A visited link is underlined and purple
  • An active link is underlined and red
<a href=>Testing Page</a> 

Testing in Fire Fox : We can identify the elements state which is heading or anchor.By clicking on the inspecting elements.

Language selection

Using the Lang tag the screen reader technology can identify the language that are written in the page.Also if we add a Lang in Main html tag then it will consider as main language.Similarly we can add language for paragraph to identify the words.

<html lang="en">

Image ALT

we can check the image alt tag using fire fox web development tool bar by click on the image button and trigger the option call view all image alts.

Order Of the Content

We have to consider the order of the content in page Because if the content elements are not in order then it may confuse the person who is using the online application.we can test the content order by disabling the all CSS styles in Firefox web development tool bar.
Main issue that I noticed we have to stop reloading the page after we selecting the words from the drop box.If it reloads then user will confuse of the older instruction before reloading.


Web Accessibility

What?Confused smile

Nowadays many of the eLearning company's focused on web accessibility.Because through this people with disabilities can use the web.Therefore they can understand,communicate and navigate with other peoples and web.Because of the eLearning trend  web Accessibility encompasses all disabilities like visual,physical,speech and auditory.

Other hand this is very useful  for people without disabilities Because the trend is make web access flexible to meet different user needs,preference and situations.Therefore it will helpful to people without disability.

Why ?

The web is the main repository for any needs of the life it can be education,employment,government ,healthcare and more.And the very funny thing is No life for IT people without “WEB”.One of  the main role of the web accessibility initiative is to develop guidelines and techniques that describes accessibility solution for web application and developers.

Change your site as Accessible …Thumbs up

First question is it simple or complex.Answer is that depend on many factors as the type of contents,size and complexity of the site and the development tool and environment. But if you plan the Accessibility features from beginning of the website then it’s easy to implement.Fixing inaccessibility web site can be take some effort.There for we have to do some implementation plan to process

Evaluating the Accessibility of a website …

When developing or redesigning a site, evaluating accessibility early and throughout the development process can identify accessibility problems early when it is easier to address them. Simple techniques such as changing settings in a browser can determine if a Web page meets some accessibility guidelines. A comprehensive evaluation to determine if a site meets all accessibility guidelines is much more complex.

There are evaluation tools that help with evaluation. However, no tool alone can determine if a site meets accessibility guidelines. Knowledgeable human evaluation is required to determine if a site is accessible.

Use of HTML ALT tag in Php

Mostly in web development we don’t need the alt text option for images.Because it can be simply neglect to use by Programmers.But incase if we have an image loading error for a specific server then server has to response the error with specific Id or name to client or a tester.
Simply I can give an example: Say If the user enabled the text-only option on his/her browser because of the slow internet .Then the image can’t be shown there therefore we are using ALT as a best Practice.
we can use alt in many ways as mentioned bellow,

Decorative image or meaning less:If we use the image as bullet,symbols and spacer then we can leave the space as it is
Here we can the leave the ALT text as it is .Simply non-text Because we don’t need to tag a name a for a symbol

Meaning full image:If our image contain any text then we should mention the alt attribute for that image because of the above reasons.Here we can give the ALT name as alt=”fronter-Learning” Therefore we can give some meaning full details to the user

Meaning full and non textual : Incase if It is a photograph of any other informational image Then we better have to give a brief description about that image .
Here we can give the ALT name as description alt=”Containing natural Image with trees” Therefore we can give some meaning full details to the user
Also it has some condition that text should be kept to under 50 characters and should avoid specialized symbols.

GraphDataBase And Applications

Graph DataBase...
A graph database uses graph structures with nodes, edges, and properties to represent and store information. Compared with relational databases, graph databases are often faster for associative data sets, and map more directly to the structure of object-oriented applications. They can scale more naturally to large data sets as they do not typically require expensive join operations. As they depend less on a rigid schema, they are more suitable to manage ad-hoc and changing data with evolving schemas.graph databases are useful for storing, traversing, and processing highly complex relationships.

Use of Graph DataBase...
Graph databases can help improve intelligence, predictive analytics, social network analysis, and decision and process management - which all involve highly complex relationships.

Relational vs object vs graph vs document Comparetion

Graph DataBase Applications...


Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later

Local Version Control Systems

Many people’s version-control method of choice is to copy files into another directory (perhaps a time-stamped directory, if they’re clever).programmers long ago developed local VCSs that had a simple database that kept all the changes to files under revision control.

Centralized Version Control Systems

The next major issue that people encounter is that they need to collaborate with developers on other systems. To deal with this problem, Centralized Version Control Systems (CVCSs) were developed. These systems, such as CVS, Subversion, and Perforce, have a single server that contains all the versioned files, and a number of clients that check out files from that central place.However, this setup also has some serious downsides. The most obvious is the single point of failure that the centralized server represents. If that server goes down for an hour, then during that hour nobody can collaborate at all or save versioned changes to anything they’re working on. If the hard disk the central database is on becomes corrupted, and proper backups haven’t been kept, you lose absolutely everything—the entire history of the project except whatever single snapshots people happen to have on their local machines. Local VCS systems suffer from this same problem—whenever you have the entire history of the project in a single place, you risk losing everything.

Distributed Version Control Systems

This is where Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCSs) step in. In a DVCS (such as Git, Mercurial, Bazaar or Darcs), clients don’t just check out the latest snapshot of the files: they fully mirror the repository. Thus if any server dies, and these systems were collaborating via it, any of the client repositories can be copied back up to the server to restore it. Every checkout is really a full backup of all the data


Import CSV File To Server And Upload Data As Stream In Mysql Using Php

To allow users to upload files from a form can be very useful.This script will allow you to upload files from your browser to your hosting, using PHP. The first thing we need to do is create an HTML form that allows people to choose the file they want to upload.This form sends data to the file "upload.php", which is what we will be creating next to actually upload the file.

  • The enctype attribute of the <form> tag specifies which content-type to use when submitting the form. "multipart/form-data" is used when a form requires binary data, like the contents of a file, to be uploaded
  • The type="file" attribute of the <input> tag specifies that the input should be processed as a file. For example, when viewed in a browser, there will be a browse-button next to the input field


  • Here we are attaching CSV File which can contain data like bellow






Pen Drive

Which made by …





Which is made by…




Similarly we can have many number of rowed data.Therefore we should create the Mysql Data base which should contain the table column names as Above.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploader.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000" />
Choose a file to upload: <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" />
<input type="submit" value="Upload File" />
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="process.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000" />
Select File : <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" />
<input type="submit" value="Process Data" />


// Where the file is going to be placed 
$target_path = "C:/wamp/www/Release/uploads/";
echo $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); 
/* Add the original filename to our target path. 
Result is "uploads/filename.extension" */
$target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); 
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). 
" has been uploaded"; 
} else{
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
header('Location: http://localhost/Release/');

By using the global PHP $_FILES array you can upload files from a client computer to the remote server.

The first parameter is the form's input name and the second index can be either "name", "type", "size", "tmp_name" or "error".


//connect to localhost
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
//connect to Database
mysql_select_db("cart", $con);
//File path to CSV
$filePath = "C:/wamp/www/Release/uploads/";
$filePath = $filePath . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); 
echo $filePath;
//read the CSV file to Stream
$row = 1;
if (($handle = fopen("$filePath", "r")) !== FALSE) {
    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
    $num = count($data);
//input the red data from CSV in to Database
mysql_query("INSERT INTO products (name,description,price,shipping,quantity)
VALUES ('$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]','$data[4]')");
//To redirect to index page
header('Location: http://localhost/Release/');

Have Fun With PHP «